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So My Angel is...

Somewhere it was said very beautifully ----

Why is it that those princess stories and fairy tales which seem to be so real during our childhood don't come true? As the truth is only --- we ourselves forget them, being so busy in the hurry of "growing up"...

But yes, somewhere, at some point in time, we beg and pray to those fairy tale angels to come alive and save us from the problems and pull us out by moving that magical stick.

Now for a while, just go back to the flashback of your life moments. You would definitely come to a conclusion that who has actually been shadowing you in your tough times and stood with you at those difficult situations where you were able to draw strength from your faith, is none other than… U --> Yourself.

Yes, yes we are only the Angel of our life...

Everything else takes a back seat in life, and it’s just we who drive our vehicle and take it to our destination..

Also, it’s not always that we will come out as a winner of every game of life. We may lose too, but then again we shouldn't forget - we accompany our own self not in every favorable situation but in odd situations too. So remember this, "success is not winning every battle but the WAR"

Also, it’s so truly said, success depends on the second letter --- "U"

Never give up and be strong, which simply means to persevere through extreme adversities by keeping hope and when life gives you lemons, can't you make lemonades out of it? :) :)

P.S. The idea is JUST to dust yourself… And get onto your bike again... And be your own angel...