The Unknown Smile

The Unknown Smile

Silent mornings turned London to a perfect canvas painting. People who passed by were in a hurry. New expectations were visible in their smiles. The revolving earth gifted a new life.

For the past 15 years, I have been in London. There is nothing as strange in this city as my life. No one cared to join my strange journey. Not even my blood-mates. 15 years of a hidden and strange life. Tears just kissed my cheeks and fell to my arms. I just covered my face with my arms and suddenly threw it away. It showed me a clear picture of my life before those 15 years. My mom’s hug, my dad’s smile, and Sreya’s non-stop stories. Sreya!

She’s my young one. My soul sister. Where is she now? What will be her new stories? Everything is strange to me. She had a beautiful smile like the street dancer who performed yesterday in our city. What? How did I compare my sister to a street dancer? But the previous day, [the street dancer] smiled hard at me and then vanished. The black mole placed near her right eyelid grabbed my attention. It was unknown smile to me - but not strange. It made me remember Sreya.

I lifted my arm towards my chest as if to ask something.I placed them on my chest, took a deep breathe and asked ‘Was it my Sreya?’ No never!

If yes how did she reach here? Why did she come this long way? Moreover, what made her be a street performer? Questions had no end, but I wanted to meet her as soon as possible. The rhythm of my heart beat was her smile then onwards. A smile that changed everything. A smile that made me remember my home. It kept on telling me ‘your home needs you, your home is calling you, go back’.

I searched my pockets in a hurry, pulled out my phone and dialed the number. After a long time, HOME became visible on my screen.

‘Hello’, someone spoke out from the opposite side.

I with tears in my eyes said ‘Ma it’s me’! I could feel the silence. After a few minutes, mom replied.

Love beyond words. She had a lot to ask and a lot to tell, but I had just one question ‘Where is Sreya?

Mom laughed and told me, ‘She’s sleeping son, she’s your edition’. My mom’s laugh became my favourite one.

I just looked out to tell mom how London was ,and ended up noticing the crowd near Cookie Parlour (it is one of the best coffee cafes in London).I promised Ma that I will be back and ended the long conversation.I knew that she had more questions.I wore a suit over my t-shirt and rushed towards the crowd. What was happening?

I heard people talking about the girl who performed last night in the street. What happened to her? My heart beat increased to the maximum level. I heard people whispering about the cruel murder held in our city. I saw a body kept covered. I just pulled the cloth that was kept to cover the face. I covered my face with my arms and rushed towards my room. It was she, the street dancer. It is so dream that she is no more. She was the reason why I got connected to my home again.

My eyes were filled with her beautiful smile and my mind became a blank page. Who was she? A stranger who made me remember about my home? An unknown smile that connected me to my mom……

I don’t know anything. I don’t know why she gifted me her last smile.But I wanted to thank her for the change she brought in my life. I’m sure she will accept it from somewhere above the sky. Because she was destined to the skies.

Getting up inhaling fresh air and teaching the world to live, love, and laugh.
